Nearby adoptions

Nearby adoption


In Palermo more and more children need help. Through a nearby adoption with Kala Onlus, you can give the opportunity to attend Il Giardino di Madre Teresa to children in financial difficulties and social fragility who live near you, guaranteeing them: reduced tuition (< 3,5 € per day for 10 hours), canteen service, basic necessities (baby food, diapers, milk powder).


The problem


In Italy 1 million children live in absolute poverty (Ref). The centers with the highest percentage of families in potential discomfort are Naples (9.5%), Catania (7.8%), Palermo (7.3%), Messina (5.5%) (Ref).

As noted in a survey conducted in 2017, in the historic center of Palermo, which includes the district of Ballarò/Albergheria, there are more than 1,600 children between 0-4 years old, which almost 400 of whom are children of foreigners. In the neighborhood there are however only 3 municipal kindergartens for a total of 94 available places and a ratio that covers the demands of less than 6%. Private facilities are not accessible to all sections of the resident population, and those with low income or no income are often unable to entrust their children to any educational facility. It is childhood that is paying the highest price of the crisis in terms of poverty!



In Palermo more and more children need help!

With a monthly contribution starting from € 10, take care of a group of children nearby
– You will receive information, photos and updated news about adopted children
– You will be able to visit Il Giardino di Madre Teresa whenever
you want to meet the children that were helped and also their families

Activate a nearby adoption today! You can become a parent of the Kala Onlus big family in two ways


1. PayPal

By clicking directly on the link below and clicking on “Set as monthly donation”

2. Continuous bank transfer

In order to reduce donation management costs, we kindly ask you to inform your bank about the Kala Onlus Association’s data below

Payee: Kala Onlus


IBAN: IT55P0335901600100000163895 – BIC Swift: BCITITMX


Do not forget!!!

Please fill out the form below and send it to [email protected], with the subject “Nearby adoption”, or at the address of our registered office via Saladino 3/5, 90134-Palermo.

Membership form