5×1000 (en)

Donate your 5X1000 to Kala Onlus to help families with socio-economic discomfort, but above all it will be a way to give a smile to all the children of Ballarò. Your donation will be used to ensure continuity to Kala Onlus projects, including Il Giardino di Madre Teresa, to pay all the specialized operators, to offer the canteen service to all children, to help families with practical contributions.


In the income tax form, in the box dedicated to the “Scelta per la destinazione del 5X1000 dell’Irpef” (Choice for the destination of the 5X1000 of the IRPEF), search for the specific space for the “Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale, ecc.” (Support of volunteering and other non-profit organizations of social utility, etc.), sign and insert the tax code of Kala Onlus



For more details please write us an email to [email protected], or call +39 388 114 9057 (Rosita).